发布时间:2021-01-23 作者: 来源: 浏览次数:
Central South University (CSU) Recruitment: International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program (Talent-Introduction Program)
一、项目简介 Introduction
为吸引近3年内获得博士学位的外籍(境外)或留学回国博士到国内博士后设站单位从事博士后研究工作,全国博管办开展2021年博士后国际交流计划引进项目的申报工作。本年度计划资助500人以内。全国博士后管委会办公室资助每人每年 20 万元人民币,博士后设站单位配套资助每人每年 10 万元人民币,包括在华从事博士后研究期间个人的生活开支、住房补助、社会保险及来华往返国际旅费等。
In order to attract international scientific talents who have obtained a doctoral degree in the recent three years to pursue postdoctoral research in a Chinese university/institution, the Office of China Postdoc Council (OCPC) has launched the 2021 International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program(Talent-Introduction Program). No more than 500 candidates will be selected. The selected candidates would be co-funded for two years, by the OCPC and the host institution: an allowance of 200,000 RMB each year shall be provided by OCPC and another 100,000 RMB per year by the host institution/group, which would be used for covering the individual living expenses related to their stay in China, including housing allowances, social insurance and round-trip international travel expenses etc.
二、中南大学简介Introduction of Central South University
Central South University (CSU) is situated in Changsha, a famous historical and cultural city in Hunan, China. CSU comprises five beautiful campuses spread throughout the city. The main campus is adjacent to the famous Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area and beside grand Xiang Jiang River. It is an ideal university for study and research with picturesque views. CSU is a national key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China, and a member of Project 211, Project 985 and Double First Class University Plan, which are national construction projects to support the development of top Chinese universities. Currently, there are 30 postdoctoral mobile stations established at CSU.
三、薪酬待遇Salary and Benefits
1. 薪酬60万元(含国家资助部分)/2年+科研绩效;
2-year salary in total: 600,000 Chinese yuan (including OCPC funded part) plus performance bonus.
2. 科研启动费不低于20万元;
Academic research fund: 200,000 RMB or above.
3. 租房补贴每月1800元(两年),另可按政策申请国家提供的住房补贴;
Rental subsidy: 1,800 Chinese yuan per month (Two years), also eligible to apply for state housing subsidy.
4. 研究成果突出者出站后直接入选优秀博士后,申请留校不受学院进人指标限制;
Those with outstanding research achievements will be directly awarded as “Excellent postdoctoral researchers”, and eligible to apply for faculty positions at CSU.
5. 在站期间可申报研究系列副高专业技术职务;
During the period of your postdoctoral research, you are eligible to apply for the title of associate research professor.
6. 子女入学入托享受校内教职工同等待遇;
Your dependent children enrolled in local schools and daycares are eligible for the same benefits to the university staff.
7. 按国家相关规定享受社会保险和住房公积金待遇。
Social insurance and housing provident fund will be provided according to the relevant state laws.
1. 年龄一般不超过 35 周岁,思想品德端正,身体健康;
The applicants shall be under 35 years old with good healthy condition.
2. 申请人须为近3年内获得博士学位的外籍或留学回国博士;
The applicants shall be Chinese received a PhD degree abroad or Foreigners with PhD degree, who have obtained a doctoral degree within the recent three years.
3. 博士毕业学校为世界排名前100 名的高校,或者其博士学位所属学科排名全球前100名(以ARWU、THE、QS、U.S.News最新排名为参考,申报系统已列出)。对“一带一路”沿线国家的申请人,条件可放宽至博士毕业学校为本国排名前 3 名的高校。根据中德博士后交流项目合作框架,在德国获得博士学位的留学人员或外籍博士,如获得德国亥姆霍兹联合会正式推荐可申请本项目,不受学校或专业排名限制(联系方式:德国亥姆霍兹联合会驻北京办事处何宏 010-65907866, hehong@helmholtz.cn);
The applicants shall have obtained their doctoral degrees from a university in the Global Top 100 University List; or the research discipline in the department/faculty for PhD degree is ranked in the Top 100 discipline list (checking the latest information from Shanghai Ranking's Academic Ranking of World Universities, Times Higher Education World University Ranking, QS World University Ranking and U.S.News & World Report as reference). For applicants from countries located along the “One Belt and One Road” region, the applicants shall have graduated with doctoral degrees from one of the top 3 universities of their country. According to the Framework of Cooperation for the Sino-German Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program, foreign or Chinese applicants with PhD degrees from Germany, the requirement on university ranking or discipline would be not necessary if they are officially recommended by the Helmholtz Association. (Contact: Dr. HE Hong, Beijing Office of Helmholtz-Association, 010-65907866, hehong@helmoltz.cn).
4. 申请人自主联系国内博士后科研流动站或工作站,并获得博士后设站单位正式推荐。
The applicants shall contact post-doctoral research stations independently, and be formally recommended by the post-doctoral research stations.
5. 要求全脱产且在华从事博士后研究工作不少于 20 个月;
All the funded researchers shall conduct full-time postdoctoral studies during the two-year project. The successful applicants shall conduct research activity for at least 20 months in China for the two-year postdoctoral program.
6. 申请本项目前已取得突出的研究成果;
The applicants shall have an excellent academic record before applying for the project.
7. 非英语国家的申请人应具有良好的中文(或英文)听、说、读、写能力;
Applicants from non-English speaking countries should have sufficient proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing of Chinese or English.
8. 国内在职人员不能申报本项目;
Chinese researchers who have full employment are not eligible for this program.
9. 此前未获得过博士后国(境)外交流项目或博士后创新人才支持计划资助。
The applicants shall have not yet been supported by another OCPC international postdoctoral fellow program or postdoctoral innovative talents supporting program.
10. 符合上述 1-9 款条件,在每批次申报截止日期前, 新近进站,且未满 6 个月的博士后研究人员亦可申请本项目。
You are eligible to apply if you meet the above nine requirements and have been at a postdoctoral station for
less than 6 months before the application deadline or just newly recruited.
五、申请流程Application Process
1. 个人申请 Individual application
Candidates should find a mentor by themselves (please check postdoc mentor profiles posted on the postdoctoral mobile station website of CSU). From February 1, to September 30, 2021,you are advised to log in to the application system called "International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program" on the Chinese postdoctoral website, fill in the information and upload the relevant materials (mainly identification documents and academic and scientific research achievements of the highest level), and complete the online submission.
*All application documents are submitted online. Paper copy are not required.
2. 博士后设站单位审核、推荐 Review and Recommendation
CSU staff will log to the application system of the International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program to review and submit the applications to OCPC online.
3. 遴选 Selection
1)申请-直接资助Direct funding
对世界排名前30 名的高校(申报系统中已列出)的外籍博士毕业生,采取“个人申请、单位推荐、先到先得、直接资助”的遴选方式。直接资助名额 150 人(其中留学回国博士 100 人、外籍博士 50 人),资助名额用完即止。
The selection of the doctoral graduates from the top 30 universities in the world (please see the list in the application system) adopts the method of “individual application, the host institute’s recommendation, “first-come-first-served” basis, and direct funding”. Only 150 candidate can be direct funded (including 100 Chinese received a PhD degree abroad and 50 Foreigners with PhD degree).
2)申请-评审确定Review and recommendation
对未获得直接资助以及符合申请条件的其他申请人,全国博士后管委会办公室、中国博士后科学基金会将分两批组织专家评审。第一批申报截止日期为 4 月 15 日,第二批申报截止日期为 9 月 30 日。获选结果拟于 5 月、10 月公布。遴选资助名额不少于 150 人。
The National Post-Doctoral Administrative Committee and OCPC will organize experts to review the applications of those who do not receive the direct subsidy and make selection decisions. The deadline for the first batch of applications is April 15, and the deadline for the second batch is September 30. Results will be announced in May and October. A minimum of 150 applicants will be selected for the grant.
六、时间安排 Time line
申报时间:第一批申报截止日期为 4 月 15 日,第二批申报截止日期为 9 月 30 日。
结果公布时间:获选结果拟于 5 月、10 月公布。
Application submission- The deadline for the first batch of applications is April 15, and the deadline for the second batch is September 30.
Announcement of selection results: Results will be announced in May and October.
七、联系方式Contact Information
1. 国家博士后管理委员会办公室
the Office of China Postdoc Council
Contact : WANG Ruoyang
Tel: 010-62335016
2. 学校博士后管理办公室
联系人:钟慧媛 胡岚
Postdoctoral Management Office, CSU
Contact: HU Lan, ZHONG Huiyuan
Tel: 0731-88836815
Email : csubgb@csu.edu.cn
Address: 304-2, Office Building No.1, Central South University (Main Campus)
3. 各流动站
序号 |
流动站名称 |
流动站所在学院 |
联系人 |
联系方式 |
1 |
地质资源与地质工程 |
地球科学与信息物理学院 |
侯林慧 |
0731-88877151 |
houlinhui2008@163.com |
2 |
矿业工程 |
资源与安全工程学院 |
邓义芳 |
0731-88879612 |
81110722@qq.com |
资源加工与生物工程学院 |
武海艳 |
0731-88877051 |
397408151@qq.com |
3 |
基础医学 |
基础医学院 |
毕晓艳 |
0731-82650401 |
764873306@qq.com |
湘雅医院 |
赵小山 |
0731-84327534 |
1771582764@qq.com |
湘雅二医院 |
高海亮 |
0731-85294052 |
1300720617@qq.com |
湘雅三医院 |
宁文雅 |
0731-88618642 |
xy3yyrcb@163.com |
4 |
冶金工程 |
冶金与环境学院 |
戴艳阳 |
0731-88836724 |
dyy90404@163.com |
资源加工与生物工程学院 |
武海艳 |
0731-88877051 |
397408151@qq.com |
5 |
材料科学与工程 |
粉末冶金研究院 |
伍秋美 |
152-009-0980 |
754396570@qq.com |
材料科学与工程学院 |
江 勇 |
188-742-62858 |
949625615@qq.com |
资源加工与生物工程学院 |
武海艳 |
0731-88877051 |
397408151@qq.com |
6 |
机械工程 |
机电工程学院 |
罗小红 |
0731-88879351 |
465916742@qq.com |
轻合金研究院 |
李瑞卿 |
0731-88877856 |
liruiqing@csu.edu.cn |
7 |
临床医学 |
湘雅医院 |
赵小山 |
0731-84327534 |
1771582764@qq.com |
湘雅二医院 |
高海亮 |
0731-85294052 |
1300720617@qq.com |
湘雅三医院 |
宁文雅 |
0731-88618642 |
xy3yyrcb@163.com |
生命科学学院 |
龚艳飞 |
0731-82650230 |
179197850@qq.com | ||
8 |
生物学 |
生命科学学院 |
龚艳飞 |
0731-82650230 |
179197850@qq.com |
基础医学院 |
毕晓艳 |
0731-82650401 |
764873306@qq.com |
资源加工与生物工程学院 |
武海艳 |
0731-88877051 |
397408151@qq.com |
湘雅公共卫生学院 |
郭桂平 |
0731-84805414 |
ggp1008@csu.edu.cn |
9 |
管理科学与工程 |
商学院 |
胡 蝶 |
0731-88879391 |
934869138@qq.com |
10 |
控制科学与工程 |
自动化学院 |
陈维伟 |
0731-88830700 |
1364866293@qq.com |
计算机学院 |
崔 芳 |
0731-88879336 |
1113648068@qq.com |
11 |
数学 |
数学与统计学院 |
唐 颖 |
0731-88660152 |
2783749118@qq.com |
12 |
计算机科学与技术 |
计算机学院 |
崔 芳 |
0731-88879336 |
1113648068@qq.com |
自动化学院 |
陈维伟 |
0731-88830700 |
1364866293@qq.com |
大数据研究院 |
何安琪 |
0731-88879402 |
345814349@qq.com |
13 |
土木工程 |
土木工程学院 |
方 秀 |
0731-82655177 |
625707091@qq.com |
14 |
测绘科学与技术 |
地球科学与信息物理学院 |
侯林慧 |
0731-88877151 |
houlinhui2008@163.com |
15 |
化学工程与技术 |
化学化工学院 |
黄莎莎 |
0731-88876181 |
365582901@qq.com |
16 |
交通运输工程 |
交通运输工程学院 |
邹杨华 |
0731-82655326 |
22621811@qq.com |
土木工程学院 |
方 秀 |
0731-82655177 |
625707091@qq.com |
17 |
药学 |
湘雅药学院 |
余嘉政 |
0731-82650442 |
yujiazheng@csu.edu.cn |
湘雅医院 |
赵小山 |
0731-84327534 |
1771582764@qq.com |
湘雅二医院 |
高海亮 |
0731-84327534 |
1771582764@qq.com |
18 |
哲学 |
公共管理学院 |
张 莉 |
0731-88876916 |
yqyzhangli@csu.edu.cn |
19 |
动力工程与工程热物理 |
能源科学与工程学院 |
宋彦坡 |
0731-88836713 |
55189126@qq.com |
20 |
化学 |
化学化工学院 |
黄莎莎 |
0731-88876181 |
365582901@qq.com |
21 |
工商管理 |
商学院 |
胡 蝶 |
0731-88879391 |
934869138@qq.com |
22 |
力学 |
资源与安全工程学院 |
邓义芳 |
0731-88879612 |
81110722@qq.com |
23 |
马克思主义理论 |
马克思主义学院 |
戴 冶 |
0731-88837508 |
dy1888@csu.edu.cn |
24 |
法学 |
法学院 |
刘 萍 |
0731-88660220 |
liuping168168@126.com |
25 |
公共卫生与预防医学 |
湘雅公共卫生学院 |
郭桂平 |
0731-84805414 |
ggp1008@csu.edu.cn |
26 |
统计学 |
数学与统计学院 |
唐 颖 |
0731-88660152 |
2783749118@qq.com |
27 |
安全科学与工程 |
资源与安全工程学院 |
邓义芳 |
0731-88879612 |
81110722@qq.com |
28 |
特种医学 |
基础医学院 |
毕晓艳 |
0731-82650230 |
179197850@qq.com |
湘雅医院 |
赵小山 |
0731-84327534 |
1771582764@qq.com |
湘雅二医院 |
高海亮 |
0731-84327534 |
1771582764@qq.com |
湘雅三医院 |
宁文雅 |
0731-88618642 |
xy3yyrcb@163.com |
29 |
护理学 |
湘雅护理学院 |
肖江龙 |
0731-82650265 |
57012900@qq.com |
30 |
物理学 |
物理与电子学院 |
张宏艳 |
0731-88876231 |
3063670898@qq.com |